Photograph by Josie Johnson

Photograph by Josie Johnson


Contemporary African Diasporic Art
& Visual Culture Scholar


I am an interdisciplinary scholar of African Diaspora Studies whose interests are contemporary art, visual culture, black cultural history, queer theory, black feminisms, performance studies, and disability studies.

In 2021, I joined the Department of Art History and the Center of African and African American Studies (CAAAS) at Rice University as an Assistant Professor of African Diasporic Art.

I am a graduate of the Department of African Diaspora Studies at the University of California, Berkeley with a designated emphasis in Women, Gender & Sexuality. In 2019, I was a Patricia and Phillip Frost Predoctoral Fellow at the Smithsonian American Art Museum and from 2020 to 2021, I was a University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellow.

I am also a recipient of the 2018 Creative Capital | Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Program Grant for a collaborative blog called:

speculative: black art practices of the west
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